2012 DMG DECKEL MAHO DMF 180 linear

2012 DMG DECKEL MAHO DMF 180 linear


DECKEL MAHO DMG DMF 180 Linaer equipment ------------- direct weighing system IKZ 600 liters 40 bar Chip conveyor Operating mode 4 Ethernet card NFSServerSoftware WINDOWS IR Messtaster Heidenhain TS 649 Handwheel Heidenhain HR410 Spray gun Others ------------ Pendulum processing possible, partition available Rotoclear lenses (2 pieces)


ModelDMF 180 linear
Stock Number1105-03470
ControlsCNC, SIEMENS 840 D 840 D
Country of originGermany
Delivery time1 Monat nach Bestellung
Delivery termsex Works
X-travel1800 mm
Y-travel700 mm
Z-travel700 mm
Table surface area2600 x 600 mm
Table load2 t
Turning speeds18000 U/min
Taper isoSK 40
Tool change unit30 -fach
Rapid traverse50 m/min
Number of working hours53000 h
Spindle hours13500 h
Total power requirement36 kVA
Weight of the machine ca.11 t
Dimensions of the machine ca.4,40 x 2,45 x 2,65 m